
Friday, 16 December 2016

Horse Race Night - 14th January 2017 update and next social event Sat 11th Feb

Annual Penlee
Horse Race Night
Saturday 14th January 7pm 
in the Clubhouse

Firstly thanks to all turned up to what appeared a great evening.

We raised £230 from the race night so Penlee get £115.
Julie Edwards won the most money (£80,000 on the last race!) and the £115 will go to the Cornwall Hospice Care, a charity currently supported by Julie and Wendy's choir.

Besides the money raised from the 50/50 and with "extras" made on the night the club is approx. £350 better off. It was also good to see a few new faces, most welcome.

Next social evening - Saturday 11th February. Beetledrive is back!!