
Monday, 27 August 2012

Ken Pickin - updated 1/9

Ken Pickin's funeral will be held on Friday 7th September at 10.30. It will be held in the Roman Catholic Church, Rosvean Road, Penzance. Yacht Inn afterwards, anyone welcome.

Friday, 24 August 2012

Robert Thomas Cup 2nd Leg and overall result

The 2nd game was held on Tuesday 28th August. The team remained the same.

Click here to see the team and score

Penlee have won the cup with an overall score of 151-127

Sunday, 12 August 2012

Robert Thomas Cup v Penzance

The teams for the cup are:

Thursday 23rd August

Registered A

I just want to thank all players who represented Penlee at the registered A players competition. The two rinks were:

Martin W, Tom Lapworth, David Balow and Nigel (purple patch) Jelbart.
Roy Sumner, Ray Jeffery, Mike Richards and Joe Bolan

We managed a creditable second place, Camborne being the eventual winners.

Wednesday, 8 August 2012

Ladies Top Team Final

We done ladies but unfortunately they went down to Helston 3-2. There's always next year!

Sunday, 5 August 2012

A Team evening get together

I would like to hold an A team evening. It will be for any player who played and represented the A team during the 2012 season with partners if you wish.

It will be held at the Yacht Inn, Penzance on Tuesday 21st August at 7.30pm.

A menu is attached. Click here to see it. The Yacht do need to know how many are coming and we need to pre-order prior to the night.

It would be great to see you all there.

Players who have represented the A Team are:

T Lapworth, S Edwards, R Sumner, R Andrew, N Jelbart, M Williams, M Richards, M Hewett, J Bolan, G Hewett, T Stephens, D Foulds, D Balow, M Ollis, R Jeffery, B Burnett, M Weeks, A Fowles, M Jefferies, R Freeman.

If you could let me know by Friday 17th August at the very latest who is attending and if so what your order(s) will be.

Martin Williams
A Team Captain

Vice Presidents teams and score 5th August

Click here for the result